Our Family History

SMITH Florence

SMITH Florence

Female Abt 1896 - Yes, date unknown




Census entry Head of houshold was George Smith. Address 19 Belle VueTerrace, Sandbach Cheshire Household consisted of: George Smith Head42 a foreman joiner in the building trade born Odd Rode CheshireJessie Smith wife 42 married for 19 years and 3 month born in ElworthyCheshire Ernest Arthur Smith 18 Son a warehouse clerk for a dreaperybusiness born in Crewe Cheshire Harry Smith Son 17 an apprenticejoiner in the building trade born Elworthy Cheshire Florence Smithdaughter 15 a mothers help born Elworthy CheshireKeywords: Picture

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Linked toSMITH George; SMITH Harry; SMITH Florence; SMITH Ernest Arthur; HODGKINSON Jessie; Family: SMITH/HODGKINSON (F17); HODGKINSON Jessie (Residence); SMITH Ernest Arthur (Residence); SMITH Florence (Residence); SMITH George (Residence); SMITH Harry (Residence)